Glenn Cowart
Music Director
Born and raised in Valdosta, Ga., I grew up as the only child of hardworking, cotton mill parents who loved the Lord and believed God's church was to make a difference in this world for His glory. At an early age, a love of music and playing various instruments became my focus. God used many musicians, friends, teachers and other leaders to begin fine tuning the desires He had planted. In classic, green behind the ears, take on the world, wanna be a rock star style, I strummed into my college years on a bit of a sour note and took a few wrong turns with the musical abilities God entrusted to me. But for His marvelous grace, my life's journey would have continued on a stormy path.

Today, God has brought me full circle. To His Glory and His alone, I was successful at earning a Master's degree in music education from Valdosta State University, have served for 34 years as a music educator in public, private and homeschool arenas and am blessed to have also served for 24 years as a Minister of Music at two, awesome churches. Furthermore, when I finally surrendered the director's baton of my life to the Lord, He orchestrated Darlene, the bride of my dreams, into my life's song and has since added a crescendo of precious joy with our daughter, Megan and son, Isaac.

Darlene, Megan, Isaac and I have been a part of the PSNBC family for 13 years now. I count it all joy to be a small part of this persevering body of believers. In the face of an ever-changing world, PSNBC stands strong in its desire to wholeheartedly love God and to share that love with others. We are a family desiring to lift high the name of Jesus. We are indeed all in need of a Savior. As the PSNBC Music Minister, it is my fervent prayer we worship our Lord with our great need in mind and His amazing provision in Christ available to all who will believe.